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At Growing Your Team, we are the experts on building the team that allows your business to scale.
Simplifying the process of hiring the right team members to save you valuable time and earn you more revenue.

3 Ways to Attract Candidates Before You Need to Hire
Whether you are a new business or a business that is ready to expand, you might be wondering, How do I become seen as the company where employees are jumping at the chance to get a job? After all, to fill your open positions, you must find ways to attract candidates and make them want to apply.
Whether you’re just starting to think about hiring your first employee, or you’re trying to find ways to draw more or better candidates so you can expand your team, here are three ways to attract candidates before you need to hire.

7 Signs It’s Time to Hire Your First Employee
Are you thinking about hiring your first employee but you’re not sure if it’s the right time? Check out these seven signs that hiring an employee could be the right next step.

Business Partners – The Pro and Cons of the Relationship
Business partners are sometimes needed to turn an idea into a successful company. However, just because taking on a business partner might increase your chances of success does not mean that it’s always going to be an easy relationship.
Learn about the pros and cons of having a business partner.

Five Ways for How to Avoid A Bad Hire
Bad hires are costly. Therefore, avoiding a bad hire is always a smart idea. However, there is one critical thing you must understand about bad hires. As business owners and managers, we sometimes actually create bad hires instead of simply hiring them.
Read to learn five ways how to avoid a bad hire within your Small Business.

Is Employee Onboarding Important for Small Businesses?
Are you properly onboarding the new employees you hire for your small business? Proper employee onboarding helps to improve quality of work and the length of time employees stay with your company. Read to learn more about why this is one step you cannot overlook when hiring.

5 Ways You Should Lead Your Team Like You Parent Your Children
At home, we see ourselves as the leader of our kids. At the office, we are the leader of our teams. With being a leader in both places, shouldn’t the foundation of our leadership approaches be the same?

Book Recommendation: The One Book All Leaders Should Read
I recently finished reading the best business book I have ever come across. I believe that it is the one book all leaders should read if they want to manage effective teams. From cover-to-cover, I felt energized and motivated to implement what I was learning. Learn my top 10 reasons why I recommend

Time Blocking Your Way to Improved Productivity
Many people see the skill of multitasking as a strength. So, what would you think if I told you that multitasking actually hurts productivity and that the real trick to increased productivity is time blocking?

If You Want It Bad Enough: An Interview with Meghann Herrmann
Meghann Herrmann is one of those women you meet and wonder “How do they do it?” Meghann has a successful 9-to-5 career, teaches spin classes, and is working hard to grow her own business. Oh, and she is also a highly-involved mother of young twin boys. Learn what she has to teach any busy mom who is an entrepreneur, desires to be an entrepreneur, or just wants to achieve more in life.

How To Survive Working From Home With Kids: Summer
Summer is almost here! If your kids are staying home for the summer, they are looking forward to sleeping in, relaxed schedules, outdoor time, and most importantly a break from school. If you work from home, you might be wondering How am I going to survive the summer working from home with kids in the house?

4 Essential Website Pages for Brick and Mortar Companies
Websites are essential for all companies including brick and mortar business. Websites do not have to be complex. However, they must be informative, well designed, and updated regularly. In this post, I will walk you through the four essential website pages that all brick and mortar companies should have.

The Basics of Setting Up a Website
As an entrepreneur, do you understand the basics of setting up a website? In today’s business world, a functioning, well-designed website is essential for success. In this post, I will walk you through the basics of what you need to know to setup a website.

How I Went From Deciding to Start My Business to Turning in My Notice
I am a planner. If I was serious about starting my own business, I had to plan out the details of leaving my job. I knew that as soon as I started to tell people, there would be questions. In my mind, the worst answer I could give would be “I don’t know” or “I haven’t thought about that”. The details could make or break my decision to leave my job and I made sure I had them figured them out before I started socializing my idea.

Six Reasons Why I Left a Job I Loved
In the spring of 2016, I decided to leave a job that I loved and start my own business. It was a hard decision as I was experiencing great success and on a career path that I was proud of. While I knew my ultimate career goal was to start my own business, for years I was content with the success I was experiencing. I could see myself making it to a C level position which was exactly what I thought I wanted. Then one day I started to question everything.